Welcome to the University of New Haven's Hacking Team Announcements

Written by: Samuel Zurowski

Date: 21 January 2022


For everyone reading this post, this is the way we will communicate throughout the semester disregarding in addition to discord, etc. The reason for this is we felt that major announcements for everyone can also be found on our website. Any post we make can be found in the announcement tabs. We plan to use this for major events, outreach, and more.

Information for Students

For students who are wanting to commmunicate or be apart of the hacking team please check out the contact tab. This will show all the information to stay in touch with us and we highly recommend joining the discord.


I know filling surveys can be quite annoying at times. The reason we do this is so we can reflect and see how the hacking club performed in terms of engagement. We take this feedback very seriously and use it as a means to make changes throughout the semester. The survey can be found Here - please fill it out when you have a chance.

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